Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

25 and still kicking! Happy Birthday to the hottest and most incredible woman in the entire world! Here are 25 of the reasons why Jackie is the most incredazing(I said incredible before but that doesn't really do justice to her so I mushed amazing in there with it.) These are in no particular order, I did the backwards countdown to add to intensity level of everything, but they are all the same. Each time I say woman it can also read as 'best wife in the whole world' as well...

25) Hottest woman in the whole world!
24) Hottest woman in the whole world x2!
23) Best listener ever.
22) Best friend a girl could have(I'm not personally a girl and what not, but if I was I would definately want her to be my best friend.).
21) Best friend a guy could have(Too late suckers!).
20) Incredible independant thinker.
19) Quick thinker.
18) Is incredibly incredible in pressure situations.
17) Has the uncanny ability to be able to life anyone's spirits and make them feel good about themselves.
16) Is very positive(although she wont admit it).
15) Hawtest woman in the whole world!
14) Extremely understanding and forgiving.
13) Has the most incredible sense of humor ever(I've realized that this is almost a curse, because I'm not nearly as funny as I think I am when she is not there to get my jokes...).
12) Best Rockband band partner in the whole world!
11) Hottest scuba partner in the whole world!
10) Best tennis player in world(only reason she is not touring professionally is she wants a challenging profession)!
9) Best nurse ever!
8) Hottest nurse ever!
7) Quickest learner in the whole world... for anything.
6) Very realistic.
5) Most all around talented woman in the whole world!
4) Most compassionate woman in the whole world!
3) Most loving woman in the whole world!
2) Most patient woman in the whole world!
1) Tyler(me)'s best frient in the whole world!

Honestly who else would put up with me for almost 4 years other than the most patient and supetastic(super/fantastic... its just better that way) woman in the whole world. Jackie, you really are the most incredibly hot/intelligent/talented woman in the entire world and I love you. Je t'aimais, Je t'aime, et Je t'aimerai!